White Owl Apothecary
Healing Crystal Salt Soak - Detox
DETOX Healing Crystal Salt Soak
Benefits: This soak is a mind, body, spirit detox that leaves you feeling like you hit the RESET button while leaving you at peace and spiritually open. This bath is made for especially for EMPATHS, highly sensitives, and/or anyone who has experienced shock/trauma.
HOW TO USE: Draw your warm water and prepare for a 20-30 minute soak. Take this time you have carved out for yourself to allow the healing essential oils and salt to DETOXify your Mind, Body, and Spirit. During this bath mediate on everything you are ready to let go and ask Spirit to help you DETOX on every level. You will want to dunk your head under the water fully 3 different times. During this time you will want to do an "Energetic Rub" (rubbing your entire body around your heart, head, and stomach areas). This will help the DETOXifying process and release energies that are not of your highest and best good. Stay in the tub as the water goes down the drain and with gratitude and grace release all that no longer serves!
INGREDIENTS: Himalayan Salt, Frankincense, Bergamot, and other High Vibrational Essential Oils. 9oz.
****If you are a Super Empath, Energy Healer, Nurse, Doctor, ect. we suggest doing this soak at least one time a week. We guarantee relief;)