White Owl Apothecary
Healing Crystal Salt Soak - Allerg-EASE
Benefits: Get off the struggle bus with your allergies! You'll love the relief you get from the nightmare of puffy eyes, sensitive and itchy skin, runny nose, and congestion with Allerg-EASE made from White Owl Apothecary. The magic of this soak gives you relief from pain and suffering caused by seasonal allergies. This soak will calm and relive pressure from sinuses while healing the mind from anxiety. You will love this minty soak!
HOW TO USE: Draw your warm water and prepare for a 20-30 minute soak. Take the time to go as long as you can so your body has time to fully relax and detox from the allergies while your body is soaking in the high grade essential oils. Splash your face 5 to 10 times with the healing water and allow it to provide you with pressure relief. Take in the menthol aroma with 5 deep breaths to help break up any fluids in your chest that is causing congestion and melt into relief!
We suggest this salt blend for colds and coughs too.
INGREDIENTS: Epsom Salt, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lavender, and other High Vibrational Essential Oils. 9oz.